Rye YMCA Gymnasts Soar to Success at NY State Championships
The Rye YMCA Gymnastics Team returned triumphant from the 2024 NY State YMCA Gymnastics Championships held April 20 and 21 in Saratoga Springs. The XL Silver team won first place overall and the Level 3 team placed third overall with each gymnast receiving individual honors. Level 2 gymnastics received individual awards with Simone Ramirez placing 2nd all around and Lily Borell placing 5th on bars. The team will head to the YMCA Nationals in Philadelphia in June.
Silver XL Champions (pictured above) : Back row left to right: Julia Brown, Alexia Chawana, Annabella Velozo, Ellie Louis, Azie Patterson, Valeria Ramos. Middle row Juliet Juliette Llamas.
First row Coach Melissa Lewis, Hope Thomas, Elle Niejadlik, Coach Shelly Schettino, Lua Jankovsky