Early Learning Center: Toddlers
Age 18-36 months
Our curriculum offers nurturing daily routines and meaningful experiences that meet toddlers’ strengths, interests, and needs.
Activities help promote independence, self-confidence and self-control.
Sample Daily Schedule
7:30am: Early morning care/free choice play
9:00am: Morning meeting-calendar and weather
9:30am: Center Time
10:30am: Bathroom/handwashing
10:45am: Snack
11:15am: Outdoor play time
11:45am: Bathroom/handwashing
12:00pm: Lunch
12:45pm: Nap/Quiet Time
2:00pm: Bathroom/handwashing
2:15pm: Special of the day*
3:15pm: Snack
3:30pm: Fine motor skill activity
4:00pm: Playground/free choice play/dismissal
6:00pm: Indoor Activity/dismissal
Weekly Specials: