Rye Y Distracted Walking & Driving Poster Contest

Community leaders gathered at the Y Studios on Tuesday, January 7 to select the winners of Heads Up! A Distracted Driving and Walking Poster Contest. The contest, which began 14 years ago as part of the Rye Y’s Safe Routes to School initiative, engages Rye High School students in creating posters that illustrate the dangers of distracted walking and driving and the importance of cycling safety.
Forty-eight students from Nichole Chiffriller and Tony Campbell’s three Digital Media classes participated. After all of the posters were completed, the students narrowed the field to 15 semi-finalists. The Rye Y then convened a panel of community leaders who selected the three winners. The judges were:
• Dr. Eric Byrne – Superintendent, Rye City School District
• Josh Cohn – Mayor, City of Rye
• Brian Dempsey – Chair, City of Rye Traffic & Pedestrian Safety Committee
• Andrew Hara – Principal, Rye High School
• Adam Levi – Executive Director, The Rye Arts Center
• Christian Miller – Rye City Planner
• Sabrina Murphy – CEO, Rye YMCA
• Chris Shoemaker - Director, Rye Free Reading Room
Invited, but unable to attend the judging: Commissioner Michael Kopy, RPD; and Joe Lamberti, Rye Brook Service Center. For the sixth year, the poster contest was sponsored by Mr. Lamberti.
The contest winners are:
First Place: Ben Fineberg
Second Place: Eva Lopez
Third Place: Hunter Gillies
More than an art project, Heads Up! also seeks to raise awareness. For the first time this year, the 15 semi-finalists will be displayed at local businesses and organizations around Rye. The first place winning poster will also be featured in an ad in The Rye Record